
In Their Own Words: Elijah Astute

Founder of Bio Green & Nakivale Young Artist Expo

Greetings all!

This is my first edited video, clipped from a Zoom session! If you’d like to view the video with the accurate subtitles [Substack auto subtitles did a pretty good job but not 100% accurate), head on over to my YouTube channel to view the video there and turn on “closed captioning” [CC].

It’s rare that we get to hear and see people here on Substack. Correction: it’s rare that is to hear and see people for whom participating in and uploading to Substack is a challenge or completely cost prohibitive. That’s why I’m overjoyed to bring directly to your Substack inbox the amazing Elijah Astute, founder of Bio-Green and Nakivale Arts Collective.

Elijah Astute is a 24-year old Congolese refugee living in Nakivale Refugee Settlement in Uganda. He is an all around renaissance man - a yoga teacher, techie expert, mushroom grower, poet, artist, and so much more.

He is also my co-host for tomorrow’s online Nakivale Young Artist Expo. While the Zoom event is closed to folks who register (there’s still time!) we will be live streaming on Facebook. So, look for me there Saturday, June 1st at 9 am EDT.

If you’d like to learn more about Elijah, you can find out more about him and his work here:

In the future, I look forward to sharing several of Elijah’s poems here on Substack as a guest writer (until we can get him here directly on Substack).

Thank you for watching and caring!


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